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As experts in the packaging industry, FROMM has created a number of resources that help provide knowledge, tips and product insights that can help make your processes more efficient. 

To learn more about the forces exerted on your packages during shipping, please see our blog on simulation testing. To reduce these forces, see our article on applying and tensioning plastic straps to your packages.

FROMM has drafted an enduring commitment to environmental conservation. To find out more about our practices, please see our blog on sustainable packaging solutions.

Hand Strapping FAQ's

FROMM’s range of hand strapping tools can be used with straps ranging  from 9mm to 32mm. Our PET machines, for instance, are designed for use with 12-16mm PET straps, while PP tensioners can be used with straps measuring 12-19mm. 

Applying the correct amount of tension to your packages is crucial. Tightly-packed items are subjected to less movement than packages which are shipped with loose straps. See the simulation testing article linked above for more information on the forces packaged items experience, and for further tips on how to add tension to your boxes, pallets and other packages. 

At FROMM, we stock a range of hand strapping machines, each of which is designed for use with a certain type of strap. Our range includes sealers and tensioners for both PET and PP straps, as well as combination tools that can be used with either plastic or steel straps.

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