Dermaviduals Reduces Use Of One Way Plastic With…

Case Study
Health & Beauty
Dermaviduals Reduces Use Of One Way Plastic With FROMM's 100% Recyclable Water Activated Tape 
Dermaviduals is a leading skincare manufacturer, focused on providing products for overall skin health and sustainability. In keeping with their core principles of sustainability and environmental awareness, Dermaviduals actively sought to remove one way plastic from their secondary packaging.

Shipping their products in cardboard cartons, the sustainable solution was to replace the use of plastic tape with environmentally friendly water activated tape.  The swap effectively making their cartons 100% recyclable without their consumers having to separate the tape from the carton to recycle after use.

"A simple yet meaningful swap to FROMM's water activated tape has allowed us to meet our own sustainability requirements and those of our customers.  FROMM Packaging Australia has been very proactive in assisting us with our sustainable transition." 

David Avello - Head of Operations at Dermaviduals