Strapping Solution for Pentarch Forestry

Strapping Solution for Pentarch Forestry


 Timber & Board

Packaging solutions provided:

 Battery Strapping Tools & PET Strap

Strapping Solution for Pentarch Forestry

Pentarch Forestry are a leading supply of both hard & soft wood timber. With mills across Australia and a brief to be sustainable they are a key Australian employer, producer and income generator.

In their review of suppliers last year, the Herons Creek Hardwood Mill needed more consistent and reliable strapping support.

All timber leaving site is to be securely strapped and needs to remain secure through the supply chain to the building site.  The strapping is applied by battery operated strapping tools and the work is often done outside as well as undercover. The tools have a hard life but need to be cost effective to own.

Using a package of FROMM 100% recycled PET strapping and the globally recognized acclaimed P329S and P331 tools.  Pentarch are achieving their packaging needs at the lowest cost and best outcome.

FROMM installed the tools, trained the Pentarch Team and remain committed to the project for the wider Pentarch group.

Installation Gallery

P329S Battery Powered Plastic Strapping Tool

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P331 Battery Powered Plastic Strapping Tool

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