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When to Choose A Polyester (PET) Strapping Machine

PET strapping machines are a versatile option suitable for use in warehouses, manufacturing plants and construction sites. Polyester, or poly, strapping machines are able to apply a highly rigid strap to packages, securing the contents of the load and reducing the potential inconveniences caused by strap breakage. 

Compared to their steel alternatives, polyester strapping machines have a lower cost of operation, making them the best value option for a variety of packaging applications. However, very heavy items may still require the higher tensile strength that comes with a steel strap.

Polypropylene (abbreviated to PP) is another type of strapping material used in packaging. PP is a more elastic material which can be used in light duty strapping applications. But compared to PET, its lower tensile strength makes it a less viable material as an all-in-one strapping solution.


Bespoke Polyester Strapping Options 

For automation, most projects require a high level of detail and bespoke design. FROMM integrates a design to fit into existing on new packing lines to minimise disruption and work within the structures available. Yes we retain our award winning strapping heads, yes we are able to incorporate customer specific requests for designs and the outcome is always a system that straps and unitises customer products to the standards they require without compromising our manufacturing standards.

Using our state of the art CAD drawing software our engineers create mock ups and test to see if they meet the design parameters given to FROMM. Once we are happy this design is shown to the customer explaining how it is integrated, how the local standards and safety requirements are achieved and importantly how the project remains operationally friendly so interactions are fast, simple and safe. Once all parties are happy the FROMM design and engineers create the bill of materials, the systems are built and then tested in one of our three owned factories in Europe. The Factory Acceptance tests are done with photo and video to share with customer staff, before the equipment is dismantled and shipped to the local branch office for assembly start up, commissioning and final hand over to customer.

With the option of steel or plastic strapping heads, FROMM is uniquely placed to provide the right solution to customer needs. See the various strapping use cases 

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As leaders in the packaging industry, FROMM’s innovative team members are always looking for ways to improve on our offerings. We have committed to a number of environmental initiatives that help us and our partners move towards a greener world. One such innovation is the ability to turn your plastic strap waste into a recyclable asset, which you can accomplish with the help of our sweed strap choppers.

PET Strapping Machine FAQs

Polyester (PET) strapping is lighter and more flexible compared to steel strapping. While PET strapping has a lower breaking strain than steel, it can handle up to 2.5 times its breaking strain in shock applications. Despite steel having a stronger tensile strength, this makes PET strapping suitable for most applications.

FROMM’s range of automatic plastic strapping machines can be easily integrated into your existing production and packing lines. If your processes already make use of automation, one of our PET strapping machines can help your business progress one step closer to a production line that does not depend on manual labour.

Polyester strapping is an environmentally friendly option, especially when paired with FROMM’s commitment to sustainability. Our PET strapping materials are made from polyester that uses up to 98 percent recycled materials. When you are finished with your plastic strapping, the material can be recycled once more to further your business’ sustainability practices.

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